Friday, June 26, 2015

Activities for Saturday 27/06/15

Sorry for the late post.

First Volunteer Service:
Stand-down of Breakfast Session !

Second Volunteer Service:
Activities: Food Festival (Prata with Curry)
Time: 0830 - 1200
Overall IC1: Ernest
Overall IC2: Anthony
Please help to bring along gas stove if you have one at home for the food festival.
Speaker : Mr Soh Chee Keong
Time: 12.30pm - 2pm
Venue : CMH
Mr Soh Chee Keong, a motivational speaker and trainer who has engaged by many volunteer groups to train volunteers. Well-known for being a great motivator and public speaker in the volunteer sector.
If the weather permits, we will then bring the beneficiaries out to the nearby hawker centre for lunch.
See you this Saturday!

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