Thursday, July 31, 2014

7th Month Getai Celebration @ CMH on 2/8/2014‏

Sorry for the late updates!!

Activities for Saturday 2/8/14

First Session:
Time: 0950 - 1330
Activities:7th Month Getai Celebration
IC : Wai Mun

Once again, it's the time of the year where the Hungry Ghost Festival is upon us. This year, the organizers have spent much effort to put together the celebration and auction on this very special day. So, what are you waiting for?? Come down and join us this Saturday!!

Note from organizer:

  • Volunteers to reach at 9.50am sharp for a briefing
  • Event approximate timing: 11am – 1pm
  • Help will be needed for the preparation after the briefing (re-arranging of tables if required) and serving of food for the beneficiaries at 11am
  • Volunteers will be assigned to all the tables during the Auction session (to maintain orderliness and assist the beneficiaries with the auction) 
  • If you can, bring along your friends or family along this coming Saturday, 2nd August 2014, to volunteer together! 

Brief Program Flow:

0950 - 1005
Briefing for Event
1005 – 1105
Preparation for Event
1105 – 1155
Performance (1st session) in concurrent Lunch
1155 – 1210
Auction Part I
1210 – 1240
Performance (2nd session)
1240 – 1305
Auction Part II

Special Second Session:
Time 1430 - 1530
Activities: Serving of Tea-Break to Beneficiaries of SWAMI Home
Location: SWAMI Home (No.5 Sembawang Walk Singapore 757717)

We have also lined up a special session 2 at SWAMI Home to serve tea break to the residents at the home. Join us if you can make it =)

"Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt." ~ Abhishek Tiwari

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