Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bursary Programme on 21/9/13


It's been confirmed. Heartwarmers annual retreat will be held on 21st-22nd December. Further details to follow in November!!


Next week, 28/9/2013, we will be celebrating Mid Autumn at CMH, where we will be making Agar Agar Moon cake for the residents in the morning.
There will also be an afternoon session where we will be singing some songs for the residents. After their dinner, we will bring the residents out for a walk around the neighbourhood before ending off the day with the serving of Agar Agar moon cake prepared earlier in the day for supper.

Once the plan have been confirmed, I will update the blog to brief on the exact details for the celebration.


Alright, for this coming weekend, we will be having an external event (distribution of bursary to needy students) at Macpherson Secondary School.
If you are free to join us, please let us know, extra help are definitely required and welcome.

Location: Macpherson Secondary School
Address: 121 Circuit Road. Singapore 379499
Timing: 9am to 12pm (latest)

For those who finds Macpherson too far but are keen on serving breakfast at CMH, the details are as below

Time: 0700 - 0800
Food: Fried Carrot Cake

Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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