Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Volunteering Activity on 24/8/13

The next major event that we will be celebrating will be Hungry Ghost Festival Celebration (7th Month) on the 31st of August

Simon will be organising this event, so please do show your support.
The brief plan have been drafted out as below:
1) 0800 - 0900 Casino Games
2) 0900 - 0930 Serving of Tea Break (Otah Bun)
3) 0930 - 1030 7th Month Auction
4) 1030 - 1100 Sing Along Session


Alright, for this coming weekend, we will have our usual breakfast service, followed by Bingo session with the beneficiaries. If time and weather permits, we will bring some of the residents out for lunch at the nearby market.

First Service
Time: 0700 - 0800
Food: Mee Rubus

Activities Session
Time: 0900hrs - 1200hrs
Activities: Bingo and Hawker outing

Feel free to contact us if you need more details for any events or if you are keen to organise something for the beneficiaries,
Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for someone else. --Benjamin Franklin

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