Thursday, August 29, 2013

7th Month Celebration @ CMH‏

In the blink on an eye, we are celebrating 7th Month with the beneficiaries again.
Excited?? This year we will be doing it a little different from the previous years.

This is a summary of the programme we have lined up for the day:

0800 - 0815 Briefing and Setting up of Casino Games Simon (OIC)
0815 - 0900 Casino Games Chin Lee
0900 - 0930 Serving of Tea Break (Kong Ba Pau) Shermin (Food)
Wen Qing (Tables arrangement)
0930 - 1030 7th Month Auction Ronald
1030 - 1045 Sing Along Session (I) Staff Performance
1045 - 1115 Sing Along Session (II) All Volunteers (Joanne)

Casino Games: (Chin Lee)
We will be adopting similar sets of games as per the Casino games we had held previously during the Chinese Dumpling Festival: (This link will direct you to the notes created for the Dumpling Festival Celebration)
The aim of the Casino Games is to allow the beneficiaries to earn extra ice cream sticks which will be used for the auction later on in the day.
* Note: Each beneficiaries will start with 10 ice cream stick for the day.

Serving of Tea Break (Kong Ba Pau):
The volunteers will be split into 2 groups here where :
1) The first group will rearrange the tables for the Auction which will follow after Tea break (Wen Qing)
2) The second group will prepare and help serve tea break to the beneficiaries (Shermin)

The Auction table will be set up right in the middle of the dining area, we will make use of the staff table to setup a mini stage. The entire dining area will be split into 4 sections. Each section will be cordoned off using raffia string and there will be an OIC in each section. The volunteers will be assigned to each tables in a section to assist the beneficiaries for the auction.
* Note: No one is allowed to crowd around the mini stage.
* Note: All items will be well spread out to be auction to each section.
Ronald will lead the auction and also 1 volunteer will be assigned to each section to help distribute the auction item once bidding is over per item. (List of auction items can be found here)

Sing Along Session (I)
The staffs and beneficiary from CMH have kindly accepted our invitation to put up 2 songs for the event. Lets give them a big cheer during the performance :)

Sing Along Session (II) - All volunteers will gathered on stage for the finale songs (Can someone volunteer to be the lead singer?) (Joanne will take charge)
1) 一人一半 -
2) 如果我有100万 -
3) 我问天 -
3) 爱拼才能赢 -

If you have any queries, feel free to email us.
Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

"Too often we under-estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ~ Dr. Felice Leonardo Buscaglia
You can turn a life around too, just take more notice of small details in life. :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Volunteering Activity on 24/8/13

The next major event that we will be celebrating will be Hungry Ghost Festival Celebration (7th Month) on the 31st of August

Simon will be organising this event, so please do show your support.
The brief plan have been drafted out as below:
1) 0800 - 0900 Casino Games
2) 0900 - 0930 Serving of Tea Break (Otah Bun)
3) 0930 - 1030 7th Month Auction
4) 1030 - 1100 Sing Along Session


Alright, for this coming weekend, we will have our usual breakfast service, followed by Bingo session with the beneficiaries. If time and weather permits, we will bring some of the residents out for lunch at the nearby market.

First Service
Time: 0700 - 0800
Food: Mee Rubus

Activities Session
Time: 0900hrs - 1200hrs
Activities: Bingo and Hawker outing

Feel free to contact us if you need more details for any events or if you are keen to organise something for the beneficiaries,
Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for someone else. --Benjamin Franklin

Friday, August 16, 2013

Volunteering Activity on 17/8/13‏

Hope you all had a great rest last weekend.

Just a brief updates on the next major event that we will be celebrating.

31 Aug - Hungry Ghost Festival Celebration (7th Month)

Simon will be organising this event, so please do show your support. We are still in the planning phase, so if you are keen to help out in one way or another, please do let us know.


Alright, for this coming weekend, we will have our usual breakfast service, followed by Karaoke session with the beneficiaries. If time and weather permits, we will bring some of the residents out for lunch at the nearby market.

First Service
Time: 0700 - 0800
Food: Laksa

Activities Session
Time: 0930hrs - 1200hrs
Activities: Karaoke and Hawker outing

Feel free to contact me if you need more details for any events or if you are keen to organise something for the beneficiaries,
Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

“To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.” ~ Pearl S. Buck

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gardens By The Bay Photos

Here are some photos of the GBB outing taken by Bao Kuang.

Volunteers having their briefing prior to outing

Beneficiaries all ready to set off!

Volunteer, Nimmi, with her beneficiary

Otw to the conservatories..


At the Cloud Forest..

Cloud forest.

The amazing greens in the cloud forest!

Happy volunteers and beneficiaries enjoying their day out!

It's time for lunch!

Omnomnom.. Lunch sponsored by Ronald. Thank you very much!

Heartwarming sight of the volunteer with the elderly


Perfect shot of auntie admiring the flower..

Group 2 Photo at the Flower Dome.

I will post the photos taken by Poh Yan as soon as I receive them. Stay tuned!