Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Volunteering Activity on 25/5/13 (Food Festival - Roti Prata)‏

Well well well, its finally our once a month Food Festival again~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hope you are as excited as I am. =)

Before I start with the details for this week activities, let me update you with some of our upcoming major activities.

- Games Carnival in celebration of Chinese Dumpling Festival (We will be serving chinese dumplings on this day)
~ Many THANKS to Chin Lee and his Father for sponsoring the Chinese Dumplings once again
~ Also not forgetting Ronald, Minxuan, Chee Wei and Chin Lee for organising the Games Carnival. So lets all look forward to it.

- Outing to Garden by the Bay, Planning is still in process.
~ Many THANKS to David for volunteering his time to do all the planning and preparation ahead of the outing. Also thanks to all who have provided your inputs.


Ok, so for this week, we will be preparing Roti Prata for our beneficiaries topped with CURRY CHICKEN and/or BROWN SUGAR.

Second Service
Food Festival
Time: 0815 - 1300 (Please help keep to the timing so that we can start on time and be in time for teabreak)
Food: Roti Prata topped with Curry Chicken and/or Brown Sugar and hawker outing

Many THANKS to
~ Shermin, who have kindly volunteered to assist with the purchase of Frozen Roti Prata.
~ Anthony, who have without fail provided his own personal stove and frying pan and gas for our monthly Food Festival.
~ Nimmi, who have kindly volunteered to purchase some brown sugar to be serve with the Prata.

Finally, I have managed to purchase another 3 more Non-stick induction frying pan, this will allows us to have more station to fry the roti prata this week.

A brief note on the process this weekend:
1) We will setup 3 stoves and 3 induction cookers to fry the Roti Prata (we will rotate volunteers to do the cooking to give everyone a chance to do it)
    Concurrently, we will have volunteers to help prepare drinks to go with the Roti Prata.
2) All the cooked Prata will then be placed in trays and cover up to keep warm
3) Once we have prepared a sufficient quantity of Prata, we will start to place them in plates topped with curry and/or brown sugar.
4) If we have enough volunteers to go around, we will serve the prata and drinks to the beneficiaries.

Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

"The capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.” ~ Pablo Casals

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