Thursday, March 14, 2013

Volunteering Activity on Saturday 16/3/13 - Open House (Food Festival + Games Session)‏

For this coming weekend, we will have our usual breakfast service, followed by Food Festival and Games with the residents.

We will be having our first open house (recruitment). Please reached by 8.15am for the Food Festival so that we could have enough time to brief you all on what individual jobs you have and also to set up the cooking equipments be prepared for the open house.

*First Service*

Time: 0700 - 0800
Food: Penang Fried Kway Teow

*Activities Session (Recruitment)*
*Time: 0815hrs - 1200hrs*

Activities: Food Festival + Games
*Food Festival Notes:*

This time, we will be making Luncheon Meat Burger for our beneficiaries. Ingredients includes: Burger Bread, Luncheon Meat, Hard Boiled Egg, Mayonnaise, ....

If you have portable gas stove and pan and would like to loan it to us for this event, please kindly bring along on Saturday =)

A rough plan has been drawn up below. Plan may change with situation.

*Station 1: Cutting Station 1: Hard-boiled egg*
Number of Volunteers: 4-5
Job 1: De-shelling the egg
Job 2: Cutting the egg into small pieces to be mixed with mayonnaise later.

*Station 2: Cutting Station 2: Luncheon Meat*
Number of Volunteers: 4-5
Job: Cutting the Luncheon Meat into 6 round pieces per can.
 Job 2: Deep/Pan Fried the Luncheon Meat (TBC)

*Station 3: Cutting Station 3: Burger Bread*
Number of Volunteers: 3-4
Job 1: Cutting the Burger bread into 2
Job 2: Toasting the bread (TBC)

*Station 4: Mixing Station: Mixing*
Number of Volunteers: 3-4
Job: Mixed the cut up eggs with mayonnaise

*Station 5: Final Station*
Number of Volunteers: 3-4
Job: Putting the Bread, Luncheon Meat, Mixed Eggs + Mayonnaise together

*Station 6: Drinks Station*
Number of Volunteers: 3-4
Job: Making drinks and served them in cups

*Games Notes*
We will be setting up Games stall at 2 different location
1) Foyer
2) Stage and by the side corridor

Proposed Games: (Subject to Changes)

1) Golf (1)
2) Bowling (2)
3) Water Gun (2)

If there are too many volunteers, I would encourage volunteers to head the therapy room to play table soccer or table tennis with the residents.

Have a lovely week and may your days be filled with overflowing blessing. See you on Saturday!!

"If nature made you a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart. And though there may be times when your hands are empty, your heart is always full, and you can give things out of that."

By Frances Burnett

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