Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Volunteer Service on 03/09/2011

For this coming Saturday, 3/9/11, the breakfast serving will still continue as per normal.

Session 1: Breakfast
Food: Laksa with Tau Pok and Fishcake
Time: 7am @ the home

We will also be participating in ESN Carnival, held at Yishun JC in the afternoon.

Event: ESN Carnival
Time: 1pm @ CMH

A total of 15 residents will join in the carnival as well, which starts at approximately 2pm. More details of the carnival in the attached powerpoint document.

Each resident will be given 15 ice-cream sticks (worth a dollar each) to spend in the carnival and they will have a lucky draw coupon as well.

We will need a minimum of 15 volunteers to assist with this event to take care of the beneficiaries at the carnival. Your duty will be to assist the resident with the ice-cream sticks as well as the lucky draw coupon. 

Would appreciate it if you could confirm your attendance with Wenqing by Friday [you can either sms Wenqing or email him]. Thanks =)

Hope to see you around this Saturday.

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