Main Objective: To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节)with the residents of CMH.
Event Highlights:We will be bringing 20-25 residents to the Woodlands Waterfront.
Woodlands Waterfront -
1630 Gather at CMH
- Briefing (Day event as well as assignment of beneficiaries to volunteers)
- Preparing hot drinks and cold drinks
1730 Arrival of bus and the ferrying of beneficiaries
1830 Games (with prizes)
- 3 games to be played.
1900 Serving of snacks and drinks to beneficiaries.
- Moon Cakes and other light snacks will be provided.
1920 Walking around the park with the beneficiaries (With Lantern)
2000 Home sweet home (Back to CMH)
Location:Christalite Methodist Home → Woodlands Waterfront → Christalite Methodist Home
Additonal Details:
Dinner will be provided for volunteers.
We will be preparing goodies bag with biscuit, coffee, milo powder, cup noodles etc for the beneficiaries.
There will also be a sing along session slotted into the programme.
Time:4.30pm to 8.30pm
**** How can you help?Interested parties, please register with us at by 17 September 2010