Monday, March 30, 2009

Outing to HortPark (21 March 2009)

It has been awhile since we brought the residents to an outing (last movie outing was in Oct'08). Not very often, they have the chance to see the surroundings. Hope that the residents will enjoy the different kinds of outings specially organised for them. =)

This time round, a group of us brought them for a walk @ HortPark, the newest park. The volunteers who helped out were nevertheless our Moral, Swami and SN angels who always lend a helping hand! Through a contact from one of the angels, we also got the help from a group of teachers from Woodgrove Primary School and one thing which I am glad to say was, some even got their family members involved in this meaningful activtity. Their main role is to befriend with the residents, showered them with care and concern. Without this group of people who willingly offered their help, this outing would not be possible. Thanks so much to all! =)

Weather was good, neither too sunny nor heavy rain and the singing by the volunteers, have made the entire outing an enjoyable and relaxing one! =)

Monday, March 2, 2009

We are still volunteering :)

Hi Hi visitors!

I have not maintained this blog well, my apologies, but just want to inform that we are still volunteering every Saturday morning providing breakfast for the residents at CMH.

If you are keen to join us, please do not hesitate to email me at!